aching elbows, naked eyes, straight teeth.
December 31, 2008
new years (P11)
new years (i)//
it is another year,
another three, six, five of do not fears
a reset button pressed by one
resolutions: pointless unless done
what is this counting down?
shouting, singing, counting down!
cold and drunk we're dounting cown (?)
sad and stricken, i feel no different
if everyday were a new years
fervor burns with zeal and fire
people gather with desire
three, six, five, begone, my fears!
that i would sleep and rest my head
more perfect than that of morn
that i yawned long and drowsy
sun in face and out of bed
then how alive would we all be?
one two seven four five six three
another year of no more fears
sober tears and unclogged ears
hallelujah everyday,
in my quiet i rest and pray
today would be for work and play
growing, changing, in this way-
-becoming fully what we are
for this our Father in Heaven art
earnest working for our home
take me! hold me! i am your own.
love those that they don't, and those that won't do.
i have been the rocky ground
i have been the choked-by-thorns
i have been on the fence
i have been in the dark masqueraded as middle ground
i have been lying
i have been dirty
i have been wrong
was blind, but now i see.
fashion blogs//
i read a lot of fashion blogs lately
or, skimmed through them
it is so interesting to see these creative people
piece such ordinary picks into an extravagant work
and then i got really excited and wanted to do that too;
DIY shirts, buttons, high heels; hair; make-up; accessorize; belts, buckles, charms, silver, glitter; glasses, sun-glasses, ray-bans; purse, bag, leather, snakeskin; wool, cotton, cloth, sewing, thread, needle, buttons; stockings, socks, bare feet, panty-hose, fish-net; painted toes, french manicured fingers, nail polish, bottom coat, top coat, clear coat, sparkles coat, filing, trimming, cutting, smoothing, shining, stars; bracelets, chunky, thin, chain, buttons, necklaces, chunky, thin, chain, buttons; earrings, dangly, hoop, expensive, cheap, studs; thrifted, guess, diy, armani, value village; puffy sleeves, tight sleeves, loose sleeves, no sleeves, shrug, shoulders, knees, toes, my fair lady, buttons, buttons, buttons: RAH RAH RAH!
but: in the end it is all in vain,
these things blow away, and who is looking?
cunning is the whisperer, he entices and dresses as white.
new years (ii)//
it's new years every day
there is a difference
between saying it, and moving;
and there is a difference
between today and tomorrow's today.
December 24, 2008
story: 'Good Mourning'
(this was originally written for my bfh culminating project,
but i like it, so here it is)
The boom of far off thunder that still shakes the cages of the mourners' bodies is the bass for this song named Mourning. The deep roar is harmonized by rain that comes down in separate drops, like a million little worlds, or a big one broken into pieces; rain the falling of a quiet snare. And above all else, the plucking of heartstrings enunciated by silent tears that mixes with the million worldlettes: the melody of melancholy. It would be appropriate to have tall men with black hats and small women with black skirts, satin and silk lightly brushing the muddied floor, adding to the Mourning, but in this gloom of an afternoon, the umbrellas are red and yellow and aqua, vigilantly fighting the sky and adding a sun to the fray of black clothes with black faces.
A voice begins and the hush, hush descends on the crowd, blank faces downcast black and black clothes wet. A girl has died today; a girl has died a week ago, today. She was far too young; she had an entire life to live. God has a reason or maybe it wasn't reason. Maybe it was an accident; I'm sure it was. Murmurs that one hums are exact replicas of the murmurs beside it, all as one humming the same, blank faces, black shoes, umbrellas coloured for the wrong day.
She was a good girl, she was my beautiful daughter, she listened to me and looked me in the eyes, she kissed me goodnight, she said sorry. She rebuked the singing crowd, she wrote poems and stories, she got an A in every course; she was a good girl. Voices murmur the same humming tune, the same Mourning. On different faces the same sigh, the same: she was too young. And as the distant thunder ended its last boom, boom of the hour, the rain began to lighten so that you could count the colours in each drop; the umbrellas needed not to fight the sky anymore. The song was done as was the day, but on each person's tongue, oh, oh, this girl was too young.
December 21, 2008
pantyhose & comfy clothes
yesterday, i went to the vybe christmas party with a bunch of friends, talented in the dancing ways (and of course, those that lacked in body movement skill, of which i was in the latter group). it was pretty fun to dress up, even though we had to walk in the cold to jto's car (it was SO cold) and squish ourselves plus ten thousand bags (of which nine thousand were carrie's) and a dilemma between wearing heels or flats and another dilemma between whether to poof thy hair or not to poof thy hair and then figuring out we were very late and then really figuring out everyone else was even later.
when dilemmas consist of shoes and hair... you know what kind of night it is.
anyways, we got there and i went to the front with a bunch of brave and non-brave-old-timers to learn how to do some hip-hop to No Air. it was pretty fun, except that i can't dance and my flats wouldn't let me turn properly and it was at the front of the room and the camera was pointed right at us. and the instructor (danny?) was pretty funny, he used the words "ka-ka" a lot. Like, "the world, revolves around...KA-KA!"
i met some new people... okay i met one new person (josh, i think, cherie's friend). but it was pretty fun, even though i had to put up with jto & ev all night making fun of me, touching my poof (yes, i decided to poof the hair; and wear flats for dancing & heels for everything else), imitating eagles... you get the point.
the rest of the night was watching dances & playing 'embarrassing get to know each other games', of which i played... none. but it's okay, watching was really funny. anyways, the dances were SO GOOD! i am so proud of my dancing flashing radiant friends for being able to move their bodies so toughly & fluidly & beautifully. but yo, L.O.V.E (ladies of vybe entertainment) were very, very experienced. they did one to Black & Gold and it was very scandalous but also very captivating at the same time. and then the guys imitated them which was crazy hilarious.
and then afterwards we loitered around for a long time just around the angus glen lobby; i sat on the ledge and it felt so peaceful after a kind of hectic night. we were watching this lone hockey player just messing around on the ice, and i felt kind of like i wanted some piece of that. to be able to do something at 10 at night or 5 in the morning because you love it so much and are dedicated to it. it's like writing songs, or books, or drawing or running. i wish i could play guitar; maybe i'll marry someone who can and we'll be a two-person team, kind of like the gypsy parade (which i highly recommend; i think it was). but anyways, a friend was being silly and yelling at the hockey player through the glass about how she loved him and of course she didn't mean it but she was kind of serious, asking us "do you think he hears me? i love him so much!" and i was kind of scared. i hope i don't come off like that, and i only hope that because sometimes i am not real. and i know this because what i am sometimes isn't what i look like. of course, everyone struggles with this, but i can pinpoint many small times. i have to watch what i say, especially to people like my friend, who i was scared of and scared for. this reminds me of this other friend who was wearing high healed boots but felt she was too formal so she asked her mom to bring her her normal boots. i was just so... i just thought it was such a small thing, it shouldn't matter so much! no one really notices (she didn't meet any new people as far as i know) and no one really cares (people were wearing heels). i just thought it was a kind of waste of gas and made me realize that i spend too much time on these kind of things too.
it was fun dressing up, but i find real beauty in quiet mornings and snow filtered sunlight. i was kind of feeling odd in my flashy clothes so in the middle of the night i changed into my sweats, cardigan & tank top and boots. i felt so much more natural. why did i dress up? it was pretty. why did i change? it was beautiful. no, it actually wasn't. well, it was in my own way but i only wrote that because it sounds like i can use it for some (cheesy if done badly) book.
i imagine sitting on a window ledge and playing music. since i can't play guitar, i imagine sitting on a window ledge and singing to someone else playing guitar. i need to find a house with a sit-able ledge.
i really like listening to simon & sam jam, they were made for each other, so it seems.
i have rarely blogged so... bluntly. it reminds me of the diary days.
sometimes, sundays make me unhappy. but i am finding some beauty and joy in this, even if it's slowly. i think God is very beautiful, i am going to go outside and shuffle the snow because that is beautiful too.
*i am so dumb! i wrote "shuffle" and i definitely meant "shovel"
hi God, you are beautiful. please help me; i have many small troubles that are probably from bigger troubles that i care not to admit. also, please help me & evangel for writing the media thing because it's due tuesday. also, i am very, very afraid of beginning my bfh project, i am making it bigger in my mind than i ought, sorry God! and also, i'm very lazy please forgive me - as in i always try to change but my things don't work. and... yeah, please help me learn your voice because sometimes i'm not sure if i'm listening right but other times i hear so clearly! i am just a baby sometimes, sorry God.
you are the joy i find when i go to sunday services and see the apart-s so clear i don't know what to do. you are my only hope! also, my chest kind of hurts because i don't know how to breathe yet. also, my knuckles are calloused from the holes. my eyes are bloated, and i think about myself a lot. i am the worst. and today there was an empty seat and i was very happy and it was filled by green and i was even happier. he's very beautiful, God. please help me learn from his examples.
heartbreak movie: doctor zhivago
i am so tearful for my mom & dad,
thank you so much they found each other. thank you with all i am, God.
*i just reread some of my august posts.
i am expressive most when i am sad.
December 19, 2008
beauty is the wisps of snow
it so, so beautiful
the wisps of snow
blowing fast and ferociously through the wild
over the pond that is a jar of ice
across the field that is frozen
and it is like magic and it is science and it is God
it is the flying away of a thin layer of snow
across the ice water, creating crystals and wings
it was so fun! running through the snow
as idiotically as we could, i even fell
and feeling as if we were saving polar bears
and just being free in our zipped up coats
like eskimos, like a grade three child
who didn't WANT to zip up, but we did.
back home,
i shovelled snow for the walk
and even a bit for my neighbours,
but i was scared they would come out
and peer upon me with new strangeness
i wanted to be unknown, and it felt good.
it feels good to do good, to make good
it feels good to do good, to make good
to be good, and not be recognized.
when i got in, i went upstairs and realized
that my legs were entirely frozen
but my tingle toes and feet were hot
and touching my foot to my thigh crossed leg
when i was washing my feet in the sink (i like to do that a lot now)
it felt like i was connecting something incomprehensible
hot blooded toes and numbed thighs, two enemies or lovers;
i felt very beautiful.
today at civics, it felt very good to just
relax and sit and laugh and talk about nothing
and realizing this nothing talk was not to fill the silence
not just a conversation, but a comfort.
i said that i wanted a guy who could sing and play guitar
and evangel said that it was twilight brainwashing me,
but it isn't. what i meant was, i want a boy, a man
who appreciates the beauty of simplicity,
someone who would sing even if they suck a lot,
some smiling person who would grow with me,
some person who would let me try and understand,
some running through grass boy,
someone stroking my hair.
i don't know, these are all things that aren't really what i am looking for
but just something to add to the heart,
i know! but i can't voice it!
i don't really want to talk about guys right now,
though it's always a subject that's easy to get into.
so this break, i don't want to stress myself about bfh
but i don't know how i can do it without stress
God, help me. this isn't about the marks, after all.
what can i do for you today?
dedicated: sing
instead of making pizza pops
i will blog about a friend,
because i said i would.
hi my name is SiNg
i used to have hard sharp hair./
i play the guitar and drums
and sing pretty freakin' well/
i have pretty cool music
hi my name is SiNg
i now have soft long hair/
i am as tall as a tower
and i skyrocket every day/
i am very mean
but other than that, i am okay.//
December 17, 2008
the kooks (8)
December 16, 2008
clear fog

not just moodsthey weren't just moods
they were deep seated feelings
of down thick grey, the fog penetrating even the blanket of sky
like the stars held no more light, like the thousands of light years
didn't exist and now i know all the sky-fires have died.
of flamboyant happiness, bouncing in my seat with love for all
like a balloon that wouldn't stay, like a hollow boned creature
that could just jump and forever land on nothing.
that was saturday and
that was sunday this week.
so on sunday i came with a will to listen to God
and He spoke to me, recalling the dark and the consuming smiles
and how i reacted to my 'mood swings' and what i was like
and i realize that love should not be dictated by what i feel
love should be how i act towards others aside from the roller coaster;
and just because it's genuine doesn't mean i don't have a choice
i can be genuine and choose what i do at the same time
because to be true to myself i must be true to Love.
God told me to ask the question:
How can i love today in this place?
and i will forget and i will remember
but i will try
i think this love brings me out of the fog
because i have a will to do and even if i don't come out
it's alright; purpose calls and is really, really strong
And he said it was good.
December 08, 2008
freeze the sanctuary
is not funny.he is dumb and right here.
stop laughing. wow.
i am cold, but the hard-tries the easy-words are coming in five
and in one is the savage cry of a whipped man, blood on his hands,
fingers dripping like a hard flower petals that the Yell will buy
tonight for maybe a dollar or at a more jazzy place, a five
i am afraid, there will be no one. but not lonely,
never because this is the DEGENERATES.
scream? maybe. my fingers freeze as i tap tap tap, tap wild blows
cold cold cold freeze take back hold, would you not agree?
i have lost all dignity, start from the ground, or maybe somewhere not even
somewhere that goes to the place where we try
cry me a river so i can drown in tomorrow
crumbling beige towers over
and the sorrow began, because
there was joy in the Lord, but she
didn't see it and why force the man?
why force him? BUT NO, it wasn't the force
it was love, can't you see? CAN'T YOU SEE?!
oh baby, sweet baby, don't you see?
oh dear, the tears are welling,
the hands are numb, they don't feel
anything at all, but the towers
that do all
December 06, 2008
liquid sugar
oh i don't hold my breath
and i don't hold my tongue
and i know that you know that i don't back down
to no one
to no one //
oh you should have stayed home
you should have known better
yet i melt in your mouth like liquid sugar
you thought you were gonna throw it back in my face
but tell me how do my leftovers taste? //
this song is the epitome of catchy music
and the worst lyrics, put together, ever.
how much does this go against everything i am striving to live out? how many times do lyrics throw our dirty selves back to our faces - where we sing and shout them and revel in them. it's quite disgusting, when in the right (or wrong) context. we are striving to become fully human, to live with humility and peace, quietness and rest, strength and solitude, but tell me how do my leftovers taste? i am grotesquely attracted to this song, like it is candy for the insane, for those who are prideful enough to not back down.
recently, the funniest/worst song has come out: IF YOU SEEK AMY (fu-k me), by britney spears. it is honestly, so terrible, but so hilarious: how come you have resorted your lovely self to sing elementary school taboos, spelling what you cannot say - sorry, could not - say, and laughing because you must be the bravest person in the world. breaking rules is an obsession for our chaos-ridden age, it is insane, it is ridiculous.
we like to think of ourselves as the generation that revolts, the generation of 'freedom'. we are, in a sense, but we have no idea what it took to give us this 'freedom', and thus we squander and pull, bickering over trivial things like... like... clothes.
i don't know what i think about clothes. for a while there, i let clothes make me rather than just as a covering for my private (however lacking in my typical asian figure - but i think it's good for me, if we all had the same body that would not be cool) parts. but now it's like, throw on whatever you like, who actually remembers what you wore? who cares? i am so silly :). but, if style matters, i am developing another style called: i think my clothes are cool enough that i can put anything together and it should generally look good. and i think it's true, i mean, t-shirt and jeans, what happened? i remember my mom used to pick out my clothes, and the reason i chose clothes was because i loved it and not because someone else did.
nice shirt! thanks. i made it. not.
today, i have organized my life to do the following things: english journals, bfh project, anthro rev. of lit. pt2, kna basement decor, kna wtf night, and then chilling with cherie and dressing her up for vybe photoshoot. and then, of course, saturday night alive tonight @ RHCCC. however, i have already stepped outside the lines and blogged instead of doing english which means i will have less time for something else. it is fine, be spontaneous! i will get everything done i am sure.
whoever you are, good day to you! (good being subjective to meaning)
ps) nts: grandma.
December 04, 2008
munching our world away
December 03, 2008
i lied about posting
okay so i am not posting everyday
i lied, forgive me.
if i make promises, i have to have plans.
i can't build and burn houses,
i can't find then fight neverland.
music inspired me today
as did rachel hon, her post & her comment box.
ps) but might ... work?
November 28, 2008
unhappy before dinner
i am not that happy.
i should be happy, and sometimes i was.
but i am not happy.
i am sad. i don't like this.
i will escape my head and fall into
something else.
i have two bracelets on my wrist.
i am not that happy.
i hope everyone else is because being unhappy is so heartbreaking.
November 23, 2008
too heady today
the in between lines
are only for me
i love you, i do!
i think i am just thinking too much again
i get really heady some days and caught up
within my little foolish world under the grey
but yet, it helps me to think that this small part
is out in the world, so i can look it in the eye and say
"VAMOOS!" and it will fly away
i was just going to write something about God, but
God, what are you thinking? do you think? or are you just.
just there. my eyes grow tired because i have hardly cried
i really wanted to cry today after sunday school but i couldn't
because i was angry, and my angry wasn't a beautiful one,
it was one of hurtful intent and prideful walls
(i was thinking something as i read over this line and now i am jealous,
but we are all jealous so i guess i am not alone in this sin, this is how we-)
again, i am too heady but i need to be to finish this project
i hate this, i hate it when i have time because i have a PROBLEM
with procrastination. HELP ME GOD GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
thanks, i love you.
all you can do is try to know who your friends are
as you head off to the war
a problem: mine
a jealousy problem
an anger problem (the angry winner the need to scrape)
a sloth problem
a bored problem (here they are!)
a don't-touch-me-until-you-leave problem
a push-you-away-then-kick-and-scream-for-you-to-stay problem
a fear problem
a breathing problem
a seeing problem
a me problem
i'm a selfish convict, standing here in blame
can't move for fear of breaking the hush hush of the courtroom
and i can't even let them know, because i can't
and that is probably the biggest problem of all.
well, at least i said it.
first step to healing, right? hah. hah. ha.
i think i'm on the part of the rollercoaster
where the little bumps seem to stretch on for a hold
except to my weak eyes, the bumps are mountains
and for all i know, the up and downs won't stop
i just need to let it out breathe
i don't know how i feel so i guess that is a good start for my project
sometimes i wish i could write straight
but it is another thing to hide behind
a mask to take off.
i am a little problem right now, but as i straighten my back
my chest upturns and there is the sun, above all my drip drops
and i can just sit criss cross, apple sauce and think about the mourn
consequences of having God
okay so in my devos they said
DON'T COMPLAIN, or if you do
speak of a blessing also to counter it.
anyways, so yesterday i didn't blog
so i will tell of it now;
it was the most amazing morning of my life
i woke up and i just lay in bed,
feeling beautiful and ugly, so i took a shower
and with the water running down,
a slight peace came over me, a sense of wellness
a sense of God, and it was so amazing because
nothing happened, i just was aware
i was aware of my breathing and aware that God was so BIG
and he was so HOLY and i needed to BOW but at the same time
he was my friend and i needed a HUG and a slight ear
what a beautiful morning!
i caught a glimpse of peace
and i will forever try to gain it back in vain,
save for the Hand striking me with his Love
i don't know how to describe this feeling
this deepness,
it's like the first time you realize
that you are a part of infinity
i think i can say, i tasted a pint of peace and joy
how do i obtain this feast of magnificence, my Lord? My Lord.
the worst sunday
today has been the suckiest sunday
in the entire world of today sundays
self conscious people fill the pews
compared to others i feel quiet
racial names fly from my mind
and hit my intuition, calling
stand up! won't you, foolish men
won't you, red-stained womyn
calling yourselves the Face
and living your time in a lie-induced trance
ss sucked a little bit, i learned slightly nothing
though it is no one's 'fault', it is everyone's fault
literally, everyone, and honestly sometimes it's hard to live
with people who come in late, on purpose, for fun, with smiles.
and people who come in early, on purpose, for people, with smiles.
and myself for being in between, my name being called among all the girls,
and then i yelled at my brother because he gave me all this attitude
sometimes i just can't stand it and i have to think violent thoughts
before calming down and saying sorry - to everyone; God and the him
i want to sing praises and hymns, it's easier in koinonia
than ever in service.
but now, onto a new afternoon(!)
ps) i missed yesterday's post, i suck
pps) simon bought me: the orphaned anything's HE IS LOVELY! thank you SIMON!
ppps) i don't know where to begin my bfh project.
November 21, 2008
it is my new goal in Blog
to blog everyday about the day
or about the whatevers, so i can
read back and say, hey,
i was like this before!
so today was an okay day
i am waking up at 6:30 now,
and sleeping at like. God, forbid 10:30?!
i slept at 10 before. i felt so good.
today i went to a place for us
with justin & evangel to write some stuff for wtf, and it was pretty cool just like summer where we'd just sit and chill. they are so mean to me i don't even know why i am their friend. but then again, they paid for my bubble tea so i should give them some lovin'. we accomplished a lot and i think we're all growing in some aspect (minus justin he'll be young forever and never know how a shaving razor feels like) and i can't wait till wtf v2.0.
so often i don't talk to God
like i know he is there, but i am not aware.
like, if i am aware of my breathing, i am connected and in tune with it, and being in my breathing and breathing. and if i just know it is there, contemplate about it, reflect on it...then i lose my awareness of my breath and then i am disconnected and my thoughts free flow and just go into trivial thoughts.
so help me God, to let this go, to let this go (8)
i have some amazing friends, they think and do
anyways, i am excited for paday - thurs & fri i feel so popular!
i must LOL because i am kidding. i am popular in myself
and in God and in my friends! i hope i can learn to care about my friends
more than i care about people who don't care about me.
care = take time to think about, be with, pray for.
people inspire me all the time & i am amazed at the diversity God put on this earth. like, wow.
tonight is fellowship - PHOBIA NIGHT! rachel (and someone...evangel?) is planning it and usually her programs are exciting.
good day, e.
sometimes, poems
are things to hide behind,
when you want people to know
but you don't want to say it straight
you want to show them, you want to speak
but at the same time,
offering this silent paper
is louder than talking
for 2 hours, here i go, i do not hide(:)
and now i will write a poem.
November 17, 2008
peter pen
i wish blogs were slips of notes
doodle pens and pieces and posts-its
so i don't have to leave with dreary eyes
so i can go outside and write while dancing
or something like that
i hate (verb) writing in small hilroy notebooks;
they are so limiting! unless it is beautiful paper
- like the esteemed notebook -
or big paper. unless it is like those,
then it is just mirroring a dragging anchor
that weighs a ship down from flying
and reaching its fullest potential
peter pan come make me beautiful!
pen and paper be my countless breaths!
peter pen please,
before the ten, take me back;
this is not just before-care
ps) they say i am beautiful;
oh! i would like a sip of tea now.
with you. yes.
("take a breath and let the rest come easy")
November 16, 2008
ipod: a story

Evelyn, Evelyn, Evelyn Mak.
How unhappy was this Ms. Mak!
Her face was a frown,
She always was down,
A pout on the face of Evelyn Mak.

Evelyn, Evelyn, Evelyn Mak.
She heard the sound of an attack!
Oh faint that noise,
Scared but poised,
Was she, this unhappy Evelyn Mak.

Evelyn's mouth opened wider and wider,
She saw a FedEx box right beside her.
It was from her mom,
Her Mom? Yes, her mom.
Sight of this box shocked her and tied her.

Evelyn wondered what this was about,
She bit it a bit...

Jingled a jingle...

She even sniffed a great sniff...

So confused was she,
She went through a drought!

Evelyn Mak tried to cut the box open,
With a pair of scissors she pried it

...but in the process, she cut her thumb,
Evelyn, Evelyn you are quite dumb!

She opened the box as wide as could be,

And found fun-paper, pop pop pee!

"IT'S NOT AN iPOD," Evelyn cried,
She didn't want to get her hopes up,
then down, or she really would've cried,
Blah Blah Blah ... Blup.

Too scared to look, Evelyn pulled
Out a thin paper that did not scold,
or yell for that matter, though it was quite silly
and made her laugh, looking quite giddy.

The box that cost a fiver,
Sherene had said,
Opened like a hive-r,
And did NOT cause her finger the-present-tense-of-bled.


Even a 'song' declared her joy,
This iPod would not be a mere toy.

It was even engraved, bought online
It almost caused tears, but my eyes were fine...ish.

When it was turned sideways,
Album covers would show,
And even under covers in the dark,
this iPod would glow!

She kept it with her day and night,
Fob or not really, it was quite a sight.

She never lost it, and never will
She kept it on her head and not the windowsill.

She loved it so much, she kissed it a bit
Love-struck; Star-eyes! It was quite the hit.

She even got a card that said "congrats"
I'm glad you didn't instead give me a hat.

Evelyn was so happy, she bit the card
She bit and bit, and it was quite hard.

The card made her laugh,
The card made her smile,
I'll keep you all close
Pee esS
what i meant to say was,
this present was amazing;
thank you guys.
(i don't want to say 'thank you' too much,
it will lose it's meaning,
but if it didn't i won't ever stop,
like a broken music box)
sometimes, the thought can count,
but this was more than a million thoughts,
jumbled into a little yellow bundle of sound;
i am just so so in love with this thought of you five
i hope you know
you are loved,
i know i am.
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