November 10, 2008


God knows i need it more than ever
now that i am one day older
please grant me this one request
among my millions of others,
"God willing."


Evangel said...

omg you like cut my links to other people's blogs =(

Claire Lawrence said...

I'm only writing on here to respond to your other comment on my blog about the novel.
At any rate, wellll okay. Probably, I will send it when done. HOWEVER this depends. Would you want my literally completely unedited first draft (that I'm finishing Nov. 30th) that is full of errors and weird-ness that even I have yet to read over? Or, would you want my edited draft which I will have...eventually.
And what was that ps? Dipthal something or other.. Say whaaat?
p.s. It's a very depressing novel. Pretty dreary. And probably terrible.
p.p.s. I have it on a blog that's all pw-protected. But if you REALLY wanted and promised not to judge it for its lack of intrest/goodness/editing/plot/meaning/purpose/everything, then I'd give you the pword. I've been posting on it by chapters. Blarghalargh I'm off to bed. And probably making NO sense. And speaking in sentence fragments. =S

Claire Lawrence said...

Wow, that's really long.
Je regrette.