July 12, 2008

drop the girl (8)

so today i am home alone, and i'm tired but i can't sleep
because of script writing with justin for coffeehouse wow left so late

i'm slightly at a loss of words due to my imperfections
- e's being really stupid right now :( hope he feels better, and sees reason in this chaos

i really want to do something, but i am at home
and i doubt i can go out because of late nights the past two
and not even going out just script writing, tho it was ab-building by laughs
i miss my friends we're all so far away from each other
if only i can drive, i wish i could
and i want to do project tdot but i have piano exam (AHH!) two days after
and i want to do rachel's volunteer (60$!) thing but i'm not 16 yet
life is slightly a mess but coping is okay, and only God is good

drop the girl - hit the lights (8)

and yeah i'm going to go practice piano now
but piano actually brings calm to this hurricane
i think i miss work, because it's something to strive for
that kind of illustrates freedom in God's so-called rules
like people go "ooh, it's so restricting" but you open your eyes and you dance
because you're free to do what God wants and don't have to decide what is right. wrong?
it is right, and it is wrong

i want my ipod back, danny :(
your ipod*

why - secondhand serenade (8)
- why do you do this to me? why do you do this so easily?
- because these days aren't easy like the ones before, these days aren't easy anymore.

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