July 15, 2008

anywhere, say, anywhere (8)

today is a good day
today, i remembered to listen to God
and not only yabber in his ear. did i hear anything?

as everyday passes by,
i see more, and i realize the less i know
the more i learn, the less i comprehend
the vast love of our God.
these atoms connect to these atoms to make molecules
and these molecules combine you are the same be different
and these cells, you are the eyes, and these cells, you are the hands
open them! use them! God has made us perfect
for being who we are, and yet why do you wish to photoshop
ourselves to perfection... when we already are, all along?
for being who we are and doing what He wants us to do.
i used to be so proud to say I'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN ALL MY LIFE!
and yet... that's a lie. i realize, i have actually held Christ's hand
until this year and barely the last. i haven't cried out in faith. before this.
where am i standing?

uncanny - anberlin
- anywhere, say anywhere; as long as i'm with you
anything, ask anything; we'll watch the world go by
- oh we love them american boys

i am waiting for that boy
i don't know him yet
but i'm already in love. i think i'll like him to a million pieces
and hopefully won't drive him into a tree of something of the like
and we'll stumble into love with perfect, awkward grace
i pray i PRAY i will wait for him
and not take the secondbest, as many do
hope i will not inherit the fool

the first day of my life - bright eyes
- i'm glad i didn't die before i met you

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