We joke about that a lot, but really
We need to use the time we have wisely.
I mean, if we were given more time, we would just do the same things, but for longer...

Lately, my entire day has been homework or projects.
And that means I get less sleep,
And that means I don't spend consistent time in the morning with God,
Which leads to more worrying, more stress, more control
And when I say more control, I mean I want more control,
And I try to control, but really it is not in my control,
And I am allowing control to control me,
And worrying leads to even less sleep, which leads to less time
For myself, for my family, for my fellowship; in silence,
Which leads to guilt, which leads to less prayer,
Which leads to less trust, which leads to where I am now.
Oh, it's good to put things into perspective.
I cannot help but look at every day, every class and think about my marks,
Especially in Studies in Literature where you are never sure,
But really what I need to do is enjoy my classes, do my best and leave the rest up to God. It's hard to do that when I have slipped into the state I am in. Gotta get out, gotta get up.
It's so hard! I want to explode.
Instead, I will go to the Y. Eat dinner.
Pray. Sleep.
Listening - The Most Serene Republic, "Emergency Performance Art Piece"
Reading - George Orwell, "Animal Farm"
Awesome post! Great ideas.
love your photo.
i know what you mean. time is scary and it seems to run away when u need more of it.
"We need more time in the day!"
We joke about that a lot, but really
We need to use the time we have wisely.
I mean, if we were given more time, we would just do the same things, but for longer...
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