October 22, 2008

virtual child, nature's child (P7)

(stemmed from bfh article "do we still love life?"
the sad sad world where we don't feel the sun,
but rather, see it from window panes reflected off our pc screens)

what a pile of necrophile-s
all of all in thumbnails small
strike a pose, flashbulbs flash
sluts and hoes, mish thee mash
geeks and freaks, scry my mind
for the compliment; no time!
they have photoshopped the think
said 'gorgeous ladies' with a wink
and a slight 'wzzp?' 'not much'
words the unafraid to touch
touch touch tap, space bars wild
i wish i was a virtual child

control my face my bod my age
i the queen of my own cage
contrast button pressed by three
being this creature i am free
myself the spotless perfect clean
conspired by me and virtual means
flirting's easy with eyes averted
could care less, i the ne'er deserted
virtual play; be at it all day
smiles and frowns a click a tap
tap tap enter, space bars wild
i wish i was a virtual child


wonders, wonders circle round
planets' singing laughter found
splendour, splendour sunshine rains
down on my sweet golden face
pitter patter wind-drops fall
hold this hand, my All-in-All!
birds they dance and fish they fly
above the starry-seagull skies
trees stand firm and grasses grow
on the earth's great bosom sow
fields of oat and moon-dust smiles
i wish i was nature's child

small compared with nature's grace
God-willed creatures fill the space
great and short the humble mind
on mud-beds the eye must find
above is green and purple red
thunder filled my shaking head
my frame of marble was but straw
cut down my trunk-thigh with a saw
i defy; i scream my curse
rioting tempests aid my words
running with the nations wild
i wish i was nature's child


Unknown said...

I refuse to believe you wrote this...
This is one of the best pieces of writing my own eyes have laid on, and I actually GOT it!

Did you seriously write this???

rach said...

except that i DO believe you wrote it. i honestly do.

i can never make rhyming poems ):

A + +