June 23, 2008

where have the crickets gone?

so last night i couldn't sleep
and i sat in my newly cleaned and organized room (yes, i do that)
in the chair beside my shelf, with the window open
and all i could hear was the sound of the wild
the air was alive filled with beings and doings and happenings
and i was tremendously inspired to write a poem or a song or to dance;
i wanted to go out and run and keep on pumping my legs and heart with nothing on my feet
but the dirt and grime of tomorrow's game
i wanted to scream because i can breathe and i can talk and see and hear touch feel cry
i can laugh! isn't being alive amazing? why do we fill these silences
with useless babble and flouncy syllables

this morning, i realized i didn't hear the sound of the crickets and now i am sad

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