September 03, 2008

faces and names (P4)

the sides of my face aches
i remember how to smile now
and i how
could i
have never realized
bats aren't so blind

live in the moment
it's all you've ever craved
because fulfilment lies
within a second
no boundaries
except for faces and names


Evangel said...

i don't get it
live in the moment?

plz explian

Unknown said...

instead of trying to get past where you are, your pain, instead of thinking of what you are going to do in 10 minutes while you're listening your son talk about his school day, instead of wishing you were somewhere else instead of your classroom...

be there. you're hurt? celebrate it by crying by wallowing in your sorrow by hurting it all out. you're happy? celebrate it by laughing by telling everyone you know. boring in class? listen, learn to be patient, your brain might take something in.

don't anticipate. just be.