God will never turn his back on you, do you know why?
Christ died for you while you were at your worst and gave you life. Read that again: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Don't underestimate God's love: His love is greater than any sin we can commit... and it is by His grace (and not by works) that we are loved. God's love is greater than sin, than distance, than highs and lows; nothing can separate us from His love and He is always with us.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me
(Psalm 139:7-11)
Do you hear that? Where can we go where God will not be with us? When we are "good" He is with us, but listen, even when you think your darkness (sin, or whatever else) hides you, He still sees you: His light overcomes all darkness.
This was a lie I lived under for a very long time. I mean, I knew it wasn't true in my head, but I acted like it was truth: that God would desert us if we were bad, if we didn't spend enough time with him, but you know what? I actually... didn't have enough faith: I thought that my sin or not doing devos enough or (fill in blank) would push God away... or I felt that I had to "go to a certain place spiritually" in order to find Him, but NO he finds us AS WE ARE. And now I am free! Even as I sin, I don't have to hide in the guilt of the sin because I can go to Him right away and ask for help to change, ask to be changed. God knows, He knows! Don't hide because you can't. Be brave, allow light to reveal who you are and who God is.
I encourage you to read Psalm 139...
It changed my life.
yea sure he meets you where you are.. except for me? I dont mean to have a spiritual debate on your own place to share your own thoughts but ive been a chrisian for years and ive given up because im tired of Him NEVER meeting me where i am. I live my life trying SO hard to believe it all and trying so hard to be someone im not and believe something i dont and it has torn me to pieces. It has brought me to a place of constant self-hatred because i cant fool myself into believing any of it. Im not telling you this to argue with you... im telling you this because everyone around me knows me as the deeply chritian girl and i cant bare to disappoint them by telling them thats not me... so youre the only one who knows i feel this way and i still dont like the fact that i dont believe... therefore... if you have anything to say that could change this for me I havnt heard before I'd love to hear it. seriously.
first of all anonymous, hello (: I guess sometimes God doesn't meet your needs because he has it's own perfect timing. there's jsut so much more in store that we can't see yet. So much that we can't estimate. God will never abandon any of us. even if there were 99 sheeps and he lost one, he would still look for it, remember ? (: He won't abandon you, and he's ALWAYS uncondionally loving you. and although sometimes we dont' feel it and we doubt that he's there and actually working, if we look at people around us, we'll start to recognize his work. God made us, therefore we're perfect, because he doesn't make mistakes. Hence, you're not disappointing them if you tell the people around you. You're simply trying to reel up your anchor that's been stuck for along time, but it's heavy so one person can't do all the work. Therefore, if other people help you too, perhaps you can set your eyes forward and go where there's light. (: I'm sorry if none of this helps. I haven't been baptized for a long time, and i probably haven't gone through as much. but i hope that what i said will help . even a little bit ? =\
and evelyn, this is something that we all needed to be reminded of. thanks for posting (: ♥
Psalm 139 is my favourite reading from the Bible- God knew about me even before I was born!
Anonymous, sorry you are going through such a hard time, it's alright to say those things, maybe you can say them to your friends too, even if you think they won't understand? But they might.
God bless xx
I hope something I say can help Anonymous. It sounds to me like you are confusing pleasing others with pleasing God. You are trying to meet some ideal of the perfect Christian for your church, for your friends, for.... But God already sees you and knows you and loves you exactly where you are on your path. Try not to confuse the two. Just gently try to start being more honest. It is not a sin to say to your Sunday School teacher or friends, "I don't get that," or "That doesn't ring true for me." That doesn't make you a bad Christian, it makes you an honest seeker!
Hello, how can I follow you? Thanks for the encouragement!
Hola....I'll tell you a secret.
What you call God or Lord or whatever, is just a longing inside of you and inside every human been.
Something natural and genuine.
Made out of this need of divinity are religions, no matter which, like dealers to sell you heaven.
You pay now and enjoy when dead. Nobody complains.
But the longing is still there as a need to discover the self, the real self, not the fisic or mental self.
The real you is inside of you.
God is inside of you, like an experience, to feel It.
It always was, always will be an this life is a chance to meet it.
Do you really want to know yourself?
thank you.
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