March 10, 2010

That's My King

I just sent this video (That's My King) to my best friend and her response is overwhelming! Her awe reminds me of my own awe, her joy of my own joy, her faith of my own faith. It's just what I needed to keep on going... so many things to say about my king- words that barely describe him already put me in silence.

I've been avoiding the monologues-I've been sitting on the computer doing everything else. I've been eating grapes, talking on the phone, asking help for the monologues, getting ideas for the monologues, talking about the monologues but not actually doing them.

"I think I'm avoiding monologues... I guess I am scared God won't provide..." and do you know what she said? "GOD IS A PROVIDER, HE ALWAYS PROVIDE." What I need to do is: just believe. This is where I stop thinking abstractly about faith and live it out. Step one- just start. He will not pick you up from the ground, no, He will help you up as you overcome, you must start walking (faith) and He will lift you (grace) and you will fly...

P.s. God remembers us and who we are! He sends angels...


rach said...

you didnt send it to me : (

Anonymous said...

Definitely. When you start worrying about whether your monologues will be good, that is ego speaking. In order for God to speak through you, you have to move ego out of the way. I suggest you get a pad of fresh paper and a pen or pencil ready, then kneel down in a favorite prayer spot and spend some time in prayer. Rest in God. After the time in prayer, write. Write anything. Don't write with the goal of a monologue as the outcome, just consider the first stage a brainstorming session. Maybe that will get the juices flowing? You said it best: step one - just start. Don't worry so much about outcome yet. You can let ego back in the door when it comes time for the proofreading, spell check and last draft. :) P.S. What is a monologue?

Nona said...

Nona said...
I am browsing blogs and ran across yours. As I was reading this post, I am also listening to the song "Only Believe". It seems like a "God" moment: me reading your blog about believing and having faith, and listening to the song. God knows my situation needs a miracle. Anyway, thanks for writing the encouraging words. God used them. Peace, Nona --

jaci said...

so what if over and over ive walked but have been lifted one bit?

jaci said...

i meant *Hav'nt* been lifted

Less than three said...

hey evelyn. just thought i'd leave my blog link here as well (:

enjoy (:

and great blogging .♥