November 17, 2008

peter pen

i wish blogs were slips of notes
doodle pens and pieces and posts-its
so i don't have to leave with dreary eyes
so i can go outside and write while dancing
or something like that

i hate (verb) writing in small hilroy notebooks;
they are so limiting! unless it is beautiful paper
- like the esteemed notebook -
or big paper. unless it is like those,
then it is just mirroring a dragging anchor
that weighs a ship down from flying
and reaching its fullest potential

peter pan come make me beautiful!
pen and paper be my countless breaths!
peter pen please,
before the ten, take me back;
this is not just before-care

ps) they say i am beautiful;
oh! i would like a sip of tea now.
with you. yes.
("take a breath and let the rest come easy")


justsharon said...

hey. i write in my hilroy notebooks (it's my secret blog outside of xanga lol) i have a collection of hilroys all decorated with sharpie-ness designs :D
haha. that's all.

rach said...

oh i wish that too.
my life to be a ... life blog.

ps. perzzinv